Friday, September 13, 2013

Changes for positive lifestyle and wellbeing

Alright, so thus far it's been pretty rough, and this is accepted as growth and learning. Nothing is going to just come to me if I don't first put in the positive energy to see it to fruition...
I'm now fully engaged in a spiritual path of growth. I have a couple wonderful friends that have set me on said path, and one in particular. Someone very special to me, and though our time has been from the outset short, we have in actuality known each other for some time. I won't call them out, not my way, but they know I appreciate them!
ANYHOW, part of this growth is letting go. Actually that is one of the biggest parts of it. I have held fast onto things that shouldn't matter for far too long. It has truthfully been in essence killing me, but I am aware of it now, note it's purpose, and let it go.
I still do not have a stable internet connection, as well as still do not have my PC set up, so pictures continue to stack up for the 365, and these posts are far between. But not forgotten.

Big lessons learned thus far: be positive in all things, find peace in all things, and if it is meant to be, then it will be.

1 comment:

  1. Put the positive out there, and watch for it to pour in. You get back what you put out there, but only when you least expect it. I am both proud of you and sort of envy you for this character enhancing adventure you are on. Life Hack 2.0... Keep your spirits up and know someones are rooting for you.
