Saturday, September 28, 2013

Falling behind on these... No bueno.

Alright, yesterday was all over the spectrum, learned that I and another friend are EASILY distracted by music, music videos, and K/J-pop. However, I return renewed with a terrific amount of updates and positivity. I am slated to potentially work at another job in addition to Fred Meyers, Finding that positivity suites me far better than pessimism, and caught up with my "Smile-more" and "365" projects. Debating whether or not it is feasible to return to Boise for visit and reclaiming the last of my left possessions. There is someone in specific I really miss and want to see... so that's also a pretty big driving force. Without further adieu, pictures:

Sept 26

Sept 27
I think I can honestly say I'm getting to the point "happiness" and "smiling" doesn't feel silly!

Day 56 
Day 57 
Day 58 
Day 59 
Day 60 
Day 61
Day 62 
Day 63 
Day 64 
Day 65 
Day 66 
Day 67 
Day 68 
Day 69 
Day 70 
Day 71 
Day 72 
Day 73 
Day 74 
Day 75 
Day 76 
Day 77 
Day 78

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


So, I got the job at Fred Meyers, made a dear friend feel comforted with story telling ability (didn't think I had it in me did you?) and generally feel pretty good today. But I did miss two Smile More shots didn't I? Well, I got them, but spaced posting yesterday... Peace and blessings to you all! And, pay it forward.

Sept 23

Sept 24

Sept 25

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

New lessons and only a few hours late on posting...

So I know the old saying: "You learn something new everyday" is supposed to be somewhat metaphorical, but today it was VERY literal. I've not gotten to shoot much in "Live View" mode on my camera much, but today I found I'll be doing it a whole lot more... the following images are with the camera's auto-focus along, regular and blown up for detail:

Note the detail is still there, but...

THAT is with Live View and manual focus... now, this is excellent for still-life and macros, but the AF still has it's function in every-day shooting... I'll have to dig deeper and find out why the AF isn't "tack-sharp" as I would like...

Sunday, September 22, 2013


365 Project - got to catch up so I have better quality on here. I had a serious data loss a bit back, where I could not recover all of March's shots, and so I have to recover the posted ones from Facebook :( - BUT I have everything after that, so, silver-lining...

Day 37 
Day 38 
Day 39 
Day 40 
Day 41 
Day 42 
Day 43 
Day 44 
Day 45 
Day 46 
Day 47 
Day 48 
Day 49 
Day 50 
Day 51
Day 52 
Day 53 
Day 54 
Day 55