Saturday, November 9, 2013

Positive outcomes, testing resolve.

I have now been back home for about a week, though still working on all the specifics, car is still a bit rocky. Outlook looks good though as the all mighty 8-ball says, as I now have a for sure job doing a service to the comunity which is quite altruistic, for a good cause - keeping drink and impared drivers with a responsible driver. Today did a very promising interview for a local grocer shop, and looks like that will also be going ahead. A very lovely friend found me a cute and nice little studio I am applying for, and that as well looks very promising. I have a few different potential photography jobs coming through in spring it seems, so keeping hopes there. With a little preserverence and determination, I am actively turning my life around for the better. I love all my friends and family who are actively supporting my growth, but also those who are unable due to their own life's journeys. I am actively letting past transgressions truly go, without focusing on the negative. Life is shaping up to be very good indeed.

I have a plan coming down the stream on getting a collective together of like-minded healers and sages together, to bring about some real positive change, if only for now in our own communities.

Be well all!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Home is where you make it.

I am back home in Idaho. I had a very tumultuous last few days there in Everett, and it was a very rough trip besides. I made it back, and now it's time for the healing to really begin. I had been told by a few people that I needed to be outside my comfort zone and away from my family and friends to really grow - and while that was true for a little while, it seemed my being gone actually lost me great opportunities I had taken for granted here. I will strive to not make that mistake again. On the matter of growth, I understand better now all things that are not constructive or conducive to my life are not to be wasted time on. There has been much drama also around me, and I realize now I was inviting much of that into myself. This I will also not bring about anymore, or if I cannot help it, remove myself fully from the situation. Another issue that I will rectify is holding grudges. Bear in mind there are some who have wronged me in my life, who may deserve scorn, though the Buddha stated most wisely: "holding a grudge is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die." - hence forth I also forgive all past transgressions, and wish those who transpired them honest peace.
A very good friend just gave me the heading of simplifying my life. I aim to do just that.

Lots of changes to come dear friends, though for the better.
"It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul."
-William Earnest Henley

Pictures will continue when I have my PC up... again. Shouldn't be too long.