Monday, August 19, 2013

Beginning of a journey...

Alright, so I am soon to be off... not in a crazy-British-slang "off" - quite literally I will soon to be away, on my journey of life. Goals: See the world, experience new cultures and document my travels. I AM a world photographer... National Geographic just doesn't know it yet.
The plan lays out as follows:
Relocate from Boise Idaho, to Seattle Washington. While there network, get more experience and build the foundation of globe-trekking.
About a year or two after Seattle, I'll then relocate to Vancouver BC Canada, as I've always wanted to live in Canada, and it will be an excellent base of operations - which is to say a spring-board to Europe, Asia, UK, Africa, and eventually back to Japan - which is what got this whole thing started. When I was stationed in Okinawa Japan during my military life, I got a taste for something other than what was always told is my life's goal: Get married, settle down, buy a house, work a job I didn't enjoy, and eventually pass away in a nice retirement home in the year 2058 (I'll live a long time) - but in doing so, miss out on everything "out there."
I convinced myself that this just wouldn't do. So, My ultimate goal is to be a commissioned photojournalist for National Geographic and be paid to see these things I so crave. Win-win I say.
So, sit back, relax, and enjoy what I'll be bringing you the viewer.
For the most part I will be posting recent works, inter-spaced with journalistic quips like this one. Lighthearted, and spirited, but genuine.

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