Tuesday, December 31, 2013

All good things...

This final image of my 365 project was troublesome. Truthfully I was pretty lost as to what I wanted to do with it. I'm been very scattered as of late, and it feels that some of this is just past thoughts and behaviors messing with my resolve. Anyhow, This was a suggestion from a good old friend, that is very insightful in her own right. The idea was to take a little bit of everything over the year, of what I learned, of where I've been, so on. Everything in the shot has been placed and featured painstakingly... and though I realistically couldn't fit everything there, I'm pretty happy with the result. Here's to a new year, and a better me.


Day 365 - Finale'

Final day for old patterns and thinking. This WILL be an amazing year.

So, again I've fallen off of the creativity train... it's been far too long since I had any updates (over a month) but that's going to change. I am progressing in my life of happiness and positivity. I must. The past is gone, though recalled at times, never should it be used for dwelling or reinforcing bad behaviors and energies.

I'm still doing the freelance route, though I may actually have a better time of it taking odd jobs than setting myself into something I do not enjoy, all for the "wage" - this is a false belief we all should strive to break. Live life. Live it to it's fullest. It doesn't last long - recently that was pointed out to me just how true, but I'm not going to dwell any longer - I AM going to build my future. How I wish it to be. I encourage you to do the same dear reader!

Without further adieu... the last of the pics:

Day 274 
Day 275 
Day 276 
Day 277 
Day 278 
Day 279 
Day 280 
Day 281 
Day 282 
Day 283 
Day 284 
Day 285 
Day 286 
Day 287 
Day 288 
Day 289 
Day 290 
Day 291 
Day 292 
Day 293 
Day 294 
Day 295 
Day 296 
Day 297 
Day 298 
Day 299 
Day 300 

Day 301 
Day 302 
Day 303 
Day 304
November 2013
Day 305 
Day 306 
Day 307 
Day 308 
Day 309 
Day 310 
Day 311 
Day 312 
Day 313 
Day 314 
Day 315 
Day 316 
Day 317 
Day 318 
Day 319 
Day 320 
Day 321 
Day 322 
Day 323 
Day 324 
Day 325 
Day 326 
Day 327 
Day 328 
Day 329 
Day 330 
Day 331 
Day 332 
Day 333 
Day 334
December 2013
Day 335 
Day 336
Day 337 
Day 338
Day 339 
Day 340 
Day 341 
Day 342 
Day 343
Day 344 
Day 345 
Day 346 
Day 347 
Day 348 
Day 349 
Day 350 
Day 351 
Day 352 
Day 353 
Day 354 
Day 355 
Day 356 
Day 357 
Day 358 
Day 359 
Day 360 
Day 361 
Day 362 
Day 363 
Day 364

Stay tuned...